
Tools for Sustaining the Change

Strategies for sustaining the change new chart order are essential to ensure a successful change. A wealth of knowledge exists in preparing and adopting organizational change, but there is “no magic pill” to ensure change is accepted and sticks (Senge, 1999). The goal of the strategies to sustain change in the new chart organization is to engage stakeholders and empower the team to adopt the new chart order and encourage individuals to take action to solve the problems and barriers that may arise (Callan, 1993). 

1. Providing ongoing support for change:

  • People need adequate time and resources to adjust to the change.
  • Clear management values - transparent and available leadership.
  • Mutual trust of all those involved is essential – rebuild if compromised.
  • Information to support the belief in the benefits and risks associated with the change.
2. Expect the unexpected:

  • Resistance is a natural out growth of change – don’t fight it, surface it and understand it.
  • Be aware that surprises are a common part of the change process.
  • Nurturing the mindset of a constant expectation of change.
  • Set realistic goals, celebrate success.
3. Anticipate Barriers and Resistance:

  • Understand the stages of transition – endings, neutral zone, new beginnings.
  • Build work place systems to help staff move through the stages of letting go of the of the familiar ways and accepting the new.
  • Celebrate ending of the old way and welcoming the new way.
  • Identify areas of potential frustration and stress, minimize controllable variables.
4. Participation:

  • Active participation in change will build commitment.  
  • Safe environment to express ideas and fears.
  • Promoting and facilitating ownership connects individuals to the change.
  • Encourage autonomy and self initiated change in individuals.
5. Education and Facilitation:

  • Participation in planned changes will facilitate the change.
  • Ongoing monitoring of the change impact, seek input, build partnership.
  • View change as challenge and opportunity.
  • Empower others, build change champions at every opportunity.
6. Caring

  • Foster resiliency in the work place – help people build skills in the face of adversity.
  • Build awareness of professional empowerment.
  • Promote and demonstrate positive self care behaviors and positive coping strategies.
  • Support and respect the emotional and physical needs of people.