
Strategies to Promote Acceptance

Strategies that promote stakeholder engagement, teamwork and information sharing are vital to the successful implementation of a new chart order.  Here are some strategies that can be used in this situation:

·   Measure pre-implementation attitudes, social and behavioral factors as a first step toward assessing readiness for change;
·  Understand the needs of various stakeholders whose work will be impacted by the change;
·  Involve staff in the decision making process;
·  Consider the time of the change – the amount and type of changes that have already occurred can impact the acceptance of the new chart order;
·   Device a strategic plan  - plan for the transition in the pre-implementation phase and determine whether a gradual or quick implementation will best suit the setting;
·  Consider a training plan for all staff;
·Identify “what if” scenarios – by anticipating the possible scenarios of the future, the change agent will be able to mange potential threats to implementation;
·Provide opportunities for staff to symbolically mourn the loss of the “old chart order”;
·  Consider the mode(s) of communication that can best engage, inform and build consensus among staff i.e. open forums, working groups, ad hoc groups or committees, focus groups, brainstorming sessions, formal assessments and evaluations, verbal or written feedback opportunities, suggestion box etc; and
·  Ongoing evaluation will determine the impact on users and the overall effect on patient care.

(Bridges, 2009;Burndyny, Findlater, Caron & Ajaz, 2009; McKenzie, 2007;Meyer & Stensaker, 2006; Russ, 2008)